Drainage and Water Management Overview
With increased cases of flooding and drainage issues within the UK over recent years, Flood Risk and Drainage has become an integral component for new developments
We have extensive experience to assess site requirements to determine strategies at any stage of the development process, whether it be master planning, development planning applications, Reserved Matters stage or detailed design phase; this includes:
Flood Risk Assessments in accordance with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidance
Foul Water and Surface Water Drainage Design, from, strategies, site acquisition assessment through to Technical Approval
Design of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), including the delivery of water sensitive and water quality awareness solutions. Undertaking SuDS inspections during construction
Design of integrated storm water drainage through the treatment train processes including attenuation tanks, basins, bio-retention areas, swales, permeable paving, filter trenches, soakaways and propriety devices
Specialist Drainage Design including culverts, Foul and surface water pumping station design and assessments, Foul Water Storm Works & CSO’s
Brownfield development Drainage Assessments
Attending public consultation and exhibitions together with providing Expert Witness support to the appeal and public-inquiry process
Liaison and Negotiation with Water Authorities, Local Authorities and Environment Agency
Working closely with our in-house Engineering teams, we ensure a consistent engineered approach to satisfy the most complex sites. This includes dealing with planning conditions, Water Authority agreements such as Section 104, S106, S185 and S98 as well as Environment Agency & Local Authority applications